Academic Publications
Racism as a Threat to Financial Stability, 118 Nw. U. L. Rev. 757 (Nov. 2023). Click here for copy.
Profiting From Our Pain: Privileged Access to Social Impact Investing, 109 Cal. L. Rev. 1261 (August 2021). Click here for copy.
How Did We Get Here? Dissecting the Hedge Fund Conundrum Through an Institutional Theory Lens, 74 Bus. Law. 735 (Summer 2019). Click here for copy.
Closing the Hedge Fund Loophole: The SEC as the Primary Regulator of Systemic Risk, 58 B. C. L. Rev. 639 (2017). Click here for copy.
Diversifying to Mitigate Risk: Can Dodd-Frank Section 342 Help Stabilize the Financial Sector? co-authored piece with Steven Ramirez and Kristin Johnson, 73 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 1795 (2016). Click here for copy.
Are Hedge Funds Still Private? Exploring Publicness in the Face of Incoherency, 69 SMU L. Rev. 405 (2016). Click here for copy.
Privileged Access to Financial Innovation, 47 Loy. U. Chi. L. J. 315 (2015). Click here for copy.
One Step Forward for Hedge Fund Investors: The Removal of the Solicitation Ban and the Challenges that Lie Ahead, 16 U. Pa. J. Bus. L. 1143 (2014). Click here for copy.
Private Investment Companies in the Wake of the Financial Crisis: Rethinking the Effectiveness of the Sophisticated Investor Exemption, 37 D.J.C.L. 49 (2012). Click here for copy.
Is Systemic Risk Prevention the New Paradigm? A Proposal to Expand Investor Protection Principles to the Hedge Fund Industry, 86 St. John’s L. Rev. 87 (2012). Click here for copy.
Homeless Education: Unveiling the Truth Behind Beating the Odds, Symposium Issue: Separate and Unequal? The Socio-Economic Realities of Public Education in America, 14 Pub. Int. L. Rep. 294 (2009), reprinted in, Yudof, Levin, Moran and Ryan, Educational Policy and the Law (5th ed. 2012). Click here for copy.
Op-eds, Blog posts, and Other Publications
Racism and Systemic Risk, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation (May 11, 2023). Click here for copy.
Named an Oprah Superwoman, This Former Foster Youth Is on a Quest for Self-Awareness, The Impact (August 25, 2020). Click here for copy.
Dissecting the Conundrum of Investing in Hedge Funds Despite High Fees and Mediocre Returns, The Columbia Law School Blue Sky Blog (November 29, 2018). Click here for copy.
Exploring the Contours of Context in Using the N-Word in Class, ABA Law Journal (August 28, 2018). Click here for copy.
The Increasing “Publicness” of Private Funds: Where Do We Go From Here? Cayman Financial Review (May 22, 2016). Click here for copy.
Is Transparency the Answer? Reconciling the Fiduciary Duties of Public Pension Plans and Private Funds, Public Pension Plans and Private Funds - Common Goals, Conflicting Interests Private Fund Report, UCLA School of Law Lowell Milken Institute (May 2016). Click here for copy.
Transforming brokenness into beauty is the essence of my story. My memoir is tentatively entitled, The Found Daughter: Pulling Together the Pieces of my Mosaic. I am currently seeking literary agent representation. My memoir is a “coming of age” tale which documents my journey in pulling together my broken pieces after losing my status as a daughter when I entered foster care at 13-years old. When it happened, my identity splintered into countless scattered pieces. Past abuse and chronic poverty had already suppressed every aspect of my identity. Becoming a ward of the state further smothered my voice into unseen corners of myself. I was subsequently placed in five different homes between 13 and 18-years old. It then felt as if my broken pieces were physically thrust across the entire city of Chicago, which forms the wondrous backdrop of this story.
This memoir does not end in the self-destructive spaces that were lurking around every corner. It instead pays graceful respect to the intricate mosaic of people and resources that made me feel like a daughter once again. Those pieces encompassed teachers, caseworkers, therapists, and even strangers who gave me life-saving resources when my only possessions were often the clothes on my back. However, the most important piece of my mosaic was myself, as gaining autonomy over my voice and my identity is one of the most integral themes in this story. My memoir ends when I was miraculously accepted into the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign upon realizing the full power of my mosaic.